Facets of Anxiety
Did your quiz reveal several areas that may be playing a role in your anxiety? Well, if so, please do not be discouraged. We have worked with many clients, who after testing and making lifestyle adjustments have greatly improved their anxiety, thus their overall health.
Anxiety's root can be more than just a chemical imbalance. It may be a combination of many factors. It is important when working with our clients that we explore all facets relating to anxiety, so that we can create a lifestyle plan that addresses the complexity of the health challenge. We have found this multi-layered approach can lead to a greater relief in symptoms.
Genetic Factors - Most researchers conclude that anxiety can be genetic but can also be influenced by environmental factors. There are several genetic snps that may play a role in the expression of anxiety. Most have a nutrient pathway that is disrupted in some way. Knowing our genetics - can allow us to offer nutrient(s) that are supportive for that pathway.
Nutrient Deficiencies - One area in our quiz that we really spent time exploring with you is something called Pyroluria. This is primarily a nutrient issue but can and may explain some of the anxiety symptoms one experiences. In addressing anxiety, we must always access our nutrition.
Glutamate to GABA Balance - Both are neurotransmitters. Glutamate is excitatory and GABA is calming. These two must be in balance and can play a big role in the expression of anxiety. This can stem from the foods we consume, genetic issues and / or gut imbalances. Other neurotransmitters such as serotonin also can play a role in the expression of anxiety.
Histamine Imbalance - A histamine reaction can trigger anxiety and feel like anxiety. In the brain, histamine acts as a neurotransmitter which can affect the levels of mood altering neurotransmitters such as GABA, dopamine and serotonin; causing the increased expression of anxious and depressive feelings. when addressing anxiety, it is important to get to the root of histamine reactivity.
Environmental Exposure - External exposures that have an internal reaction, like toxic mold can be a big player when it comes to the roots of anxiety. When dealing with anxiety it is imperative we do a check list of exposures that may be playing a hidden role in anxiety.
Hormone Imbalances - Lastly, hormones can play a role in anxiety - particularly the estrogen/progesterone balance. The drop in estrogen and progesterone that occurs at the end of a women's menstrual cycle may cause anxiety and other mood symptoms. This is similar to the drop experienced during perimenopause, the time during which your body makes the natural transition to menopause. Consider taking the hormone quiz here.
Neurotransmitter Imbalances - In addition to the GABA to glutamate imbalance, there can be other players in the expression of anxiety such as serotonin. Consider taking our neurotransmitter quiz to dive deeper, click here.
Some Biomedical Functional Tests that are beneficial for are:
Dutch Complete - Explores numerous markers that imbalances in can play a role in anxiety.
Food Sensitivity - Food sensitivity is common and often manifests as GI issues, anxiety, fatigue, lack of concentration/brain fog, migraine & headache, dark circles under the eyes, skin issues, and many other symptoms.
Gut Health Panel - Allows us to test gastrointestinal pathogens like bacteria, parasites, yeast and an imbalance of gut bacteria.
Organic Acid Test (OAT) - The Organic Acids Test (OAT) is considered a “metabolic snapshot” of what is going on in the body. It provides information on important neurotransmitters, nutritional markers, glutathione status, oxalate metabolism, evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria, and much more. The test includes 74 urinary metabolite markers are useful for discovering underlying causes of chronic illness.