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Detoxification: Priming the Pathways-Part 1

Detoxification: Priming the Pathways - Part 1

Detoxification is an innate part of how the body is designed. We have all these beautiful feedback mechanisms that address internal or external toxicants, but sometimes they get sluggish and need a little priming.

Health Coach

Detox, short for detoxification, is a process of ridding of any toxins or unhealthy substances that may be in your body. If everything is functioning properly (genetics) and our incoming toxicant load is low, then we often have a great detoxification system.

Unfortunately these days our toxicant exposures are higher than they have ever been. Research is finally linking our exposures to many metabolic health issues. If you have followed me for a while then you know I am all about lowering our incoming toxic load, but there is more to just lowering your incoming toxins.

Living a detox lifestyle is key. Quick detox programs or herbals can often cause more harm than good and can actually re-tox your body. Join me in this six-part series where we discuss everyday lifestyle adjustments that support our innate detoxification system.

In this series we will review:

  • Diet: Why the foods we choose can support detoxification or render to the process.

  • Digestive: Why supporting our digestion system is pivotal in the detoxification process

  • Lifestyle: We will review how everyday activities can support our detoxification pathways.

  • Liver & Gallbladder: Both play an immense role in removal of toxins. We will discuss ways to support these.

  • Ditch & Switch: Why lowering the incoming toxins supports the entire detoxification process.

Why Nutrition Matters, Nutritional Therapist

Why Diet Matters

Our everyday diet choices greatly impact our body's detoxification system. What is on the end of the fork can either support the body or can cause harm.

Food-based nutrients continue to be investigated for their role in the modulation of metabolic pathways involved in detoxification processes. Several clinical studies demonstrate that food-derived components and nutrients can modulate processes of conversion and eventual excretion of toxins from the body. These nutrients work by providing the raw materials that activate specific enzymes to support the body's natural detoxification pathways.

Additionally the Standard American Diet (SAD) can increase inflammation and the chemical body burden. The foods we choose to consume on a daily basis can play a big role in living a detox lifestyle.

Action Steps

Foods to exclude: Processed foods, processed sugar, white flour & gluten containing grains, artificial ingredients, chemical additives, excess caffeine, hydrogenated oils/ vegetable oils, dairy products, soft drinks, GMO foods. Fast foods of all kinds.

Nutrient dense foods to include: Organic fruits & vegetables, gluten free grains in moderation, nuts & seeds, cold-pressed oils (olive, avocado, sesame), coconut oil, raw butter or Ghee, wild caught fish, organic, grass fed protein sources, herbal teas, fresh pressed vegetable juices, fermented foods & increase raw food consumption.

Limit alcohol: Over 90% of alcohol is metabolized in your liver and excessive drinking can severely damage your liver function by causing fat build-up, inflammation, and scarring.

Santa Barbara Holistic Health

Nourishing Tip: Stay hydrated. Water transports waste products, efficiently removing them through urination breathing, or sweating. Staying hydrated is an important part of detoxification.


Digestive Support

The intestines are not the main organ that detoxifies the human body. That function is carried out mainly by the liver. However, the intestine is a key exit of elimination that needs to be supportive inorder to have a healthy detoxification lifestyle. Sluggish bowels can lead to re-toxification from the chemicals & waste intended to be removed.

Action Steps

Address Constipation: Improving bowel motility is a key aspect of detoxing. The bowel is where the liver dumps its toxins and it must be eliminated in a timely manner to avoid re-absorption of those toxins. Work to increase to a minimal of one-bowel movement a day prior to increasing active detoxing.

Add extra fiber: Fiber works by grabbing a hold of toxins and pulling them out through bowel elimination. Two types of fiber: Soluble - dissolves in water; good for constipation or diarrhea. Example: pectin, psyllium, flax seeds. Insoluble- also good for constipation, bulks stools. Example: cellulose, hemicellulose, lignans.

Probiotics: Probiotics can improve transit time and help reduce overgrowth of less desirable gut bacteria. They can help increase stool frequency and improve stool consistency.

Enzymes: Digestive enzymes, HCL & bile acids support detoxification & motility by assisting the breakdown of foods. Increases nutrient absorption.

Nourishing Tip: Stay hydrated is key to keep the bowels moving. In general, take half your body weight, and drink that amount in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75 ounces of water a day.


Reboot: Toxic Burden

This package is perfect for anyone wanting to deep dive and explore their toxicant body burden. We are sadly bombarded by toxicants in our everyday life and knowing your toxic burden can greatly help one optimize their approach to cleaning up their environment and detoxing the body. This package can help pin-point the areas that you are being exposed. We encourage you to learn more, here.


Cheat Sheet: Ditch & Switch Cheat Sheet, here 

Cheat Sheet: Priming the Pathways, here

Nourish Shop: Toxic Free Products (cooking, body & air), here

Tests: Reboot Toxic Burden, here

Blogs: Cookware & SkinCare 


Our Approach

I am a clinically trained psychotherapist, who learned along with education and practicum hours that one's health challenges can be at the root of their psychological obstacles. I view the body and mind from a holistic perspective and dive deep with my clients to root out the core imbalances that keep them from progressing in the healing of their body and mind.

Have a Nourishing Day!

Source: PMC4488002, PMC4488002

A Nourishing Blog

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